2007年11月12日 星期一

No money!

Sad to say i will be having a 2 months break from work as my stall will be having a renovation. Haiz ...LOSS of income for 2 months...finally i have the time to travel but no money....

Hopefully i can land myself with an intern job at samsung for 2 mths...haha..it will be a dream come true and yes maybe get to know korean guys...haha...pray for me.

Surgeon bong dal hee! Good korean drama.

I chanced upon this korean drama series abt the life of a young doctor bong dal hee( meaning "plastic bag" in korean ). The whole drama is abt the life in hospital and lots of bloody operation scene.quite realistic and i get to learn medical terms and the medicine used. I love the lead actor "lee bum soo" ....he is a veteran actor and he is so " MAN".... haha starting to like korean guys.

2007年9月23日 星期日

To live is to love,
To love is to forgive,
To forgive is to forget,
To forget is to love again!

2007年9月22日 星期六

Wedding bells ringing!

Walking down the aisle--- wow what a wonderful thing that can happen to anyone.

I got 3 weddings in NOV and DEC = more hong baos will be given out

I just met up with my uni frens at wheelock place this evening and one of them is getting married. Out of the 4 gals, one is already married last DEC and one is planning to get married this coming DEC. Haha...so left 2 of us on the spinsters' table. We were thinking thta hopefully one of us will get married next DEC and the last one will get married in 2009 DEC. haha...

they said it is possible cos the fastest record that one couple has set is to get into a relationship and get married in 4 months time. I hope i can break the record..haha

They are keeping their fingers crossed for me to get married in next year DEC and hope that i can break the record and get married in 3 months....haha..i dun mind marriage in short notice if i really meet the right man.

Pray for me. Actually i am 100% ready for a marriage life..haha

2007年7月20日 星期五

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences (Awarded by University of Bradford, UK)

Hmm...I have been so busy lately that I miss my lazy weekends when i can take a stroll at botanical gdns and sip my coffee at a relaxed pace....

I need to take a breather and recharge

I am looking at some interesting courses but i think i not sure whether i am ready for the 3 yr commitment yet ...the price tag of the course that I like is $34,500. Haiz....i need to rob the bank.

Well it is a course that can fulfil my dreams in working at a local hospital. Of course i am not smart enough to be a doctor ( my childhood's dream) but at least this course will provide a platform for mi to work at the hospital as a clinical trial coordinator or executive...haha thinking of life after being "kopisoh"

haiz, think i will have more courage to take up the course if I am married cos I know at least I have my family to fall back on...

2007年6月13日 星期三

BUSY BUSY for a good cause!

Life has been great and fulfiling after my baptism...I have been so busy with my charity work that i dun have time to update my blog...hmm anyway i dun think i got alot of pple reading it so feel quite redundant to update it..i am busy managing my projectabled's blog : http://projectabled.blogspot.com.
There will be more events in july and aug...i will be busy till end of august --I hope! I think I will be doing endless volunteering....haha all for gd causes..Been given an application form for enrolling as a member of this MEN's support group thingy (VWO). think i will be given responsibilities to run family support group etc...I miss going to SGH for volunteering...I must squeeze some time for my patients. Never thought that my life can be so fulfulling.....GOD has been great and think all these have been part of his PLAN. I never loved charity work before my encounter with HIM....haha I loved my transition and hope I will be better in the future...But think i will not have time to get a Boyfriend ..haha....Hmm...I dun really wanna be a sister...I wanna multiply.....praying hard...

2007年4月8日 星期日

A newly baptised CATHOLIC


I , VERA PANG HWEI YING, is a newly baptised CATHOLIC as at 08042007 !

2007年2月11日 星期日

Rite of sending off

Today is a special day cos it is the rite of sending off.

We, the catehumens, were officially sent off by the parish community. It signified "close to the end of our catehumen's journey". Now I am looking forward to become an elect on 24th feb sat. Wow, think the experience will be magical and divine. The journey towards baptism as a catholic is a long one. I think I will miss my wednesday rcia class....

I heard tt GOD will put a few tests before your baptism. HE wants to test whether you are faithful and determined to follow JESUS's footsteps towards HIS KINGDOM OF LOVE and ETERNITY. I hope the tests tt GOD will be giving to me will be a simple one. I am praying tt I will have a smooth journey towards my baptism. I hope tt there will be no obstacles tt will hinder my route towards my final baptism journey. Sometimes, I think tt all i have been thru feels like a dream but it is a sweet dream cos so far i have been blessed and in safe hands. I have always been protected by many angels in my life. GOD has always carried me when i am in trouble. I am grateful to HIM.

I just hope tt day will come faster....

2007年2月9日 星期五



你好嗎 你的夜是不是跟我的一樣漫長
是不是 還把我給你的愛好好戴在手上
要堅強 我常常對著鏡子裏的人大聲講
雖然說 孤獨的想一個人好像一種懲罰

MSN上太多的路人甲 偶爾你也該上來說說話
想著你的溫柔 想著你的模樣 我放不下
部說過了再見 我們各自飛翔 各自長大
抱緊愛會掙扎 放開愛會心慌 神也很忙
到底要實現哪個願望 離開你 那麼傻 可以後侮嗎

風很大 怕你又穿得太少會讓自己著涼
我很棒 一個人換了燈泡房間變得很亮
每一天 發生的事情我都好想要跟你講
愛很怪 什麼都介意最後又什麼都原諒

Ooh 心裡最深的牽掛 越想遺忘越不能忘

Just like what the lyrics has described....the more you wanna forget/delete someone u love from your mind...the harder to actually get him /her out of your mind. Ironic but true...do you think so too?

2007年2月4日 星期日

Interesting quotes

Love as if you never been hurt

Work as if you don't need the money

Live as if there is no tomorrow

2007年1月29日 星期一

只是想告訴大家, 我的心情吧 !

Reborn again soon!

心情= 太猛了! 希望早日baptise!

Welcome everyone to my new BLOG!